Figtree High School

Crescere Fidere Statuere

Telephone02 4271 2787


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Phone: 4225 3400 




An Annexe of Figtree High School

Flametree is an annexe of Figtree High School located at 8 Railway Crescent, North Wollongong 7 kilometres from the main school campus. The building was established in 2002.

Flametree offers a specialist behaviour and individual learning service for eligible students from Illawarra high schools with a significant history of difficulty in managing their behaviour at school. Teachers at Flametree are trained and highly experienced special educators with considerable experience and expertise in managing student behaviours and in devising individually tailored learning programs.

At Flametree we teach and promote our positive behaviour values:



Flametree aims to give students an opportunity to:

  • Achieve important behaviour and academic outcomes while receiving individual academic and behaviour support in a safe, consistent, structured school environment.
  • Be supported in succeeding with their education either at mainstream school or at Flametree or another alternative setting.
  • Learn strategies to help them to manage their emotions and problem behaviours
  • Work out an achievable plan for their future which will help them on the road to success
  • Learn to live responsibly in the community
  • Exit Flametree to an appropriate transition option.


The programs at Flametree encourage students to get their lives on track, and achieve educational goals while learning to manage their own behaviour.

We offer students:

  • A clear, assisted pathway to success in education and employment
  • Encouragement, support and rewards when students decide to make positive changes in their lives.
  • Simple straightforward rules and clear expectations for student behaviour.
  • A mixture of both positive and negative consequences, which are clearly explained to the student when they begin in the program.
  • Rewards for good choices that are clearly spelled out and achievable.
  • Consistently delivered negative consequences allowing students to predict the outcomes before they make a negative choice.
  • The chance to turn a negative situation around and to achieve a positive outcome.


Planning for each student's future and working towards that plan is an important part of the service to students.

In NSW, all students must stay at school to complete Year 10 or until they are 17 years of age. Students younger than 17 years must be involved in education at school, TAFE or with a training organisation or engage in at least 25 hours of employment per week.

Flametree offers students individual behaviour and learning support in order to achieve a Year 10 credential - the Record of School Achievement (RoSA). We will assist you and your child to explore a range of options for achieving the RoSA.

We also help Stage 5 (Year 9 & 10) students and their parents plan for a continuation into Year 11 and Year 12 or further training and/or employment in another setting.


Students at Flametree are usually also enrolled in their school year at Sydney Distance Education High. This helps us offer the best possible curriculum to our students who can access all the Key Learning Areas, a wide range of elective subjects and teachers who are subject specialists. Flametree staff support and assist students with their lessons.

This also means that students who opt to return to their home school do not miss out on important curriculum content and on acquiring important learning outcomes, when they are away from their school. 


Stage 4 (Years 7 & 8) Transition

Transition to school will take place when:

The student has spent at least 6 weeks full-time at Flametree and there is improvement in the student's behaviour demonstrating that they can manage a day at mainstream school.

Transition days increase when:

  • The student shows a sustained pattern of improvement in the mainstream school environment.
  • The school agrees that the student is improving and ready to return full-time.

When we believe there is no possibility of a student sustaining a successful, mainstream enrolment we work with parents and carers, the school and other agencies to look at alternative school options.

Stage 5 and Beyond

After completing Year 10, students are able to:

  • Transition to the local school for Year 11
  • Transition to apprenticeship or pre-apprenticeship at TAFE
  • Transition to work training with accredited training agencies
  • Transition to Five Islands Secondary College – Higher School Certificate.

Please note, the Flametree staff will assist parents to negotiate transition pathways with at TAFE and the Five Islands Secondary College. However, enrolment is NOT guaranteed. Each student's enrolment application will be judged on the student's individual merits.

Students are encouraged to think, plan and work for meeting goals in their schooling and future lives. They are encouraged to view their time at Flametree as a chance to move towards their future goals. They are also encouraged to realise that while the Flametree staff can help and support them, they must take personal responsibility for achieving these goals and for working on any problems, which may be getting in their way.

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